Health professionals at OU Health practice in a vibrant and growing community of medical specialists with diverse backgrounds who bring their expertise and dedication to the critical issues in patient care, health education and evidence-based research.
Through access to a wide range of advanced technology, up-to-date medical and research facilities, and collaboration with expert colleagues, as well as our academic partnership with The University of Oklahoma, OU Health professionals and community providers who work alongside them contribute valuable perspective, effort and skills needed to help improve the lives of all people.
Take advantage of a vast array of services for healthcare professionals at OU Health.
Use the physician portal to operate remotely, gain access to important information about OU Health procedures, hospitals, facilities, insurance, software and credentialing processes.
Get easy access to OU Health Physicians referral forms and clinics, as well as referral processes for specific hospital services.
You can easily access OU Health's clinical laboratory menu and find information about our Genetics Laboratory.
Many OU Health health professionals also serve as faculty members at The University of Oklahoma, our academic partner with students in seven professional health colleges, including Allied Health, Dentistry, Graduate Programs, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy and Public Health.
Learn about the profession of child life specialist and your opportunities to help provide child life programs to youngsters and families who find themselves with health conditions needing care through OU Health’s hospitals, including University of Oklahoma Medical Center and The Children’s Hospital.
Explore opportunities for Stephenson Cancer Center research professional education and training, including programs, fellowships and awards.
As a member of Stephenson Cancer Center, you gain access to a variety of shared resources and other core services to support your research activities and that of other investigators. Your membership also may offer reduced or waived fees for selected specific services. Check individual services below for details.
Every year, Stephenson Cancer Center organizes and hosts research conferences and other events to foster an environment of scientific inquiry, exchange of ideas and collaboration among SCC members and other investigators. Take advantage of:
Research at OU Health Harold Hamm Diabetes Center, one of the top-funded groups in the world, translates advances in our laboratories into dramatically improved patient care for people living with diabetes and its complications. Explore ways you can get involved, including: