ID/PW assistance: (405) 271-8660 - Use your AD 3-4 ID and password to access these sites.
Physicians may now connect to our systems remotely, whether at home or in your office, on a PC or MAC. Doctor office staff may use this access on an office computer.
Install instructions: Windows | Mac
Questions: Jennifer Dooge
Outside organizations can quickly and easily request the verification of physicians in good standing. The requesting organization may self generate and print a verification letter.
Dear Employee—in order to complete the credentialing process, you
will need to complete and submit the following information: Please note
that the Enrollment Word document can be typed in and also uses drop down
menus. Typing in the information is the preferred method-then print out
and sign –fax to (405) 271-3535 (disregard the directions on the
top of the form to fax to HCI directly)
Enrollment Form
5 years of carrier claims history. The attached Claim History Form may be helpful to insure you have received a complete 5 year claims history for each provider. This can be submitted to your previous employer for completion. Please note that this takes time so the sooner you can complete the more efficient the process will be.