Diabetes Care for Children

Diabetes Care for Children

When your child receives a diagnosis of diabetes, an effective response involves your whole family – meaning everyone makes permanent changes in priorities and routines. Look no further than OU Health Harold Hamm Diabetes Center in Oklahoma City and Tulsa for the help you and your family need when adjusting to life with diabetes.

Nationally Recognized Child-Specific Expertise

If your child lives with diabetes, you know you and your family must give your full attention. You also know you’ll always need assistance. That’s why you want to work with the pediatric diabetes-endocrinology specialists at Harold Hamm Diabetes Center. You gain access to Oklahoma’s largest group of children’s endocrinologists and our outstanding diabetes self-management education and support program, recognized by the American Diabetes Association.

Diabetes Care for Children

Get the care you need for yourself and your family no matter what type of diabetes your child has, including Type 1, Type 2, cystic fibrosis-related, genetic or secondary, or if your specific situation may involve other endocrine disorders.

Take advantage of Harold Hamm Diabetes Center services such as:

  • Prompt evaluation by board-certified endocrinology specialists for children with new-onset pediatric diabetes, including same-day referral to the Diabetes Center
  • Telephone access 24/7 to pediatric endocrinologists and certified diabetes care and education specialists
  • Daily telephone monitoring after the first week of diagnosis, if needed
  • Return visits to our clinic within two weeks for non-urgent medical issues
  • Certified instructors who help you learn how to use an insulin pump or continuous glucose monitor, if needed
  • Nutrition and physical activity guidance
  • Pediatric psychology services
  • Foot care (podiatry) and wound care services
  • Partnerships with several Native American tribes to provide comprehensive diabetes care for American Indian children across Oklahoma
  • Diabetes Self-Management Education & Support (DSMES) Services - Participate in diabetes education classes, whether you or your family face a new diagnosis or ongoing needs related to Type 1 and Type 2 conditions. Learn from Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialists® who specialize in caring for kids.
Request a Referral Appointment

Call our pediatric diabetes clinic to request an appointment with an OU Health pediatric endocrinologist to review your situation and, if needed, refer you to the Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support program.

Call (405) 271-6764

Extensive Diabetes Programs & Services

Beyond doctor visits and self-care management education through the Diabetes Center, you gain access to a wide range of programs and services designed to support your entire family, including:

  • Camp Blue Hawk, a week-long summer residential camp for children and adolescents ages 9-17 to build confidence and life skills while living well with Type 1 diabetes
  • Wavelengths program for young adults with diabetes to help make a smooth transition from a pediatric doctor to an adult healthcare provider

Clinical Research to Improve Type 1 and Type 2 Treatment

As you and your family work with the expert multidisciplinary care team at the Diabetes Center’s Type 2 Comprehensive Clinic (T2CC), ask about the potential to participate in clinical research that helps develop optimal treatment for children and adolescents, ages 10-17, diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.

In one project, TrialNet, relatives of people with Type 1 Diabetes are screened to find out if any family member is at risk for developing diabetes themselves. The study involves a blood draw to test for the presence of diabetes related autoantibodies that may appear before Type 1 Diabetes develops. Contact our clinic for more information.

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