Camp Blue Hawk

Camp Blue Hawk

OU Health Harold Hamm Diabetes Center’s Camp Blue Hawk is a place where children, adolescents and teens with type 1 diabetes (T1D) have the opportunity to just be a kid. At camp, we help foster independence, self-awareness and motivation all while maintaining a safe and healthy environment. Camp activities include swimming, hiking and ropes courses.

Camp Blue Hawk is unique in that we have a highly-experienced medical staff at camp the entire time, ensuring your child’s diabetes will be well monitored. No child will be turned away because of inability to pay. Financial assistance is available for those in need.

Sign Up for Camp Blue Hawk,
July 28 - August 1, 2025

Registration opens March 17, 2025 and closes July 1, 2025

Register for camp blue hawk

About Camp Blue Hawk

Who We Are

OU Health Harold Hamm Diabetes Center’s Camp Blue Hawk is dedicated to, serving children and teens living with type 1 diabetes through summer camp as well as year-long support programs.

We create opportunities for campers to build their confidence, strengthen diabetes self-management skills and create long-lasting friendships. For many of our campers, this may be the only place they have to interact with other children who also have type 1 diabetes.

Five hundred children with T1D benefit from Camp Blue Hawk annually. Our goal is that by attending Camp Blue Hawk programs, children and their families feel supported by community and confident in the daily challenges associated with type 1 diabetes.

Our Mission

The mission of Camp Blue Hawk is to promote learning, enhance self-esteem and foster independence in diabetes care in children and teens with type 1 diabetes in a safe, camping environment.

Meet Our Team

Executive Committee

Medical Staff

While at camp, your child will be well taken care of by our experienced medical staff. Our medical staff includes pediatric endocrinologists, nurses, psychologists, pharmacists and residents. In addition to our medical staff, our camp staff also consists of medical students and champions who are also living with T1D. With so many professionals around, Camp Blue Hawk is one of the safest places you can send your kid for a week!


Summer Camp

Camp Blue Hawk is a five-day, four-night overnight camp for kids ages 9-17, living with type 1 diabetes. Camp is currently hosted at St. Crispin’s Conference Center and Camp in Wewoka, OK.

Over the course of the week, your camper will be able to participate in activities such as, swimming, hiking, dancing, ropes courses, camp fires, movie nights, talent shows, diabetes challenges and a camp favorite: gaga ball! Because every camper has T1D, Camp Blue Hawk is such a unique yet completely normal experience- it’s a week for your kid to just be kid!

In addition to having fun, we understand parents and caregivers have many health and safety concerns for their children, especially when they are not close by. Our camp leaders and medical staff take care of food, nutrition, proper medical care and supplies while your child is away from home.

Please do not let cost deter you from sending your child to camp. Financial assistance in the form of camper scholarships are available to those in need. No child will be turned away because of inability to pay.

Camp at the Crib

In response to COVID-19, Camp Blue Hawk extended its programs to include an at-home alternative to residential camp.

In place of a one-week traditional camp session, Camp at the Crib participants will receive boxes that include a week’s worth of scheduled, daily activities and instructions on how to connect virtually in large and small group sessions. Camp at the Crib has allowed campers to carefully socialize and engage with counselors and camp friends in the safety of their own homes.

Get Involved

Apply to Serve on Camp Staff

We are seeking to fill the following positions with health profession and pre-health profession students who are passionate about giving back to the community, working with young people, and learning more about type 1 diabetes management.


  • Counselors (20+ years old): Lead group of 12 campers through camp experience with a co-counselor and CIT. Work with medical staff on camper diabetes management throughout the day.
  • Junior Counselors (18-20 years old): Assist 2 counselors with leading a group of 12 campers through the camp experience. Assist with at least one overnight Juice Fairy shift (see below).
  • Juice Fairies (18+ years old): Work overnight to check and care for campers with low blood sugar under the leadership of licensed healthcare professional.

apply today


As a 501c3, Camp Blue Hawk is funded through direct donations, grants, camper fees and fundraisers. We are incredibly appreciative for the continued support we receive from our friends and community. Because of the gifts you give, we are able to provide nearly 70 percent of our kids with camper scholarships. Become a partner of Camp Blue Hawk and help make camp a reality to kids who otherwise would not be able to attend.

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