Cancer Data in Oklahoma

The mission of OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center is to eliminate cancer in Oklahoma, Stephenson Cancer Center’s catchment area and beyond. As a means to advance this mission and to increase cancer surveillance in Oklahoma, the Community Outreach and Engagement (COE) Core issues an annual report titled Cancer Issues in Oklahoma, and a series of reports focusing on major cancer issues affecting Oklahomans titled, Cancer in Oklahoma Data Brief Series. These reports are essential for cancer surveillance in Oklahoma, as they provide detailed information on major cancer trends in the state. Also, the Cancer in Oklahoma Data Brief Series documents conclude with implications for policy and practice that highlight potential solutions to the cancer challenges affecting Oklahomans.

Within Stephenson Cancer Center, the COE Core aims to promote research on cancer-relevant issues specific to Stephenson Cancer Center’s catchment area, engage populations in clinical studies, and decrease cancer incidence and mortality rates within the catchment area, particularly among minority and underrepresented populations. This is achieved through the development, implementation and evaluation of health policy and most importantly through partnering with community-based entities with aligned missions to extend the impact of Stephenson Cancer Center activities.

These reports will aid in reaching these goals by providing easily accessible cancer data to all Oklahomans including researchers, clinicians, policymakers and the general public while contributing to Stephenson Cancer Center’s research pipeline by exposing issues that could necessitate further research, but also by providing policies and prospective solutions that could make an impact at the community level.

Data Reports

Cancer in Oklahoma Data Briefs (2021)

Cancer in Oklahoma Data Briefs (2022)

Cancer in Oklahoma Data Briefs (2023)

Cancer in Oklahoma Annual Report

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