Web of Life Conference

Major diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, obesity, aging, and neurodegeneration are often studied and treated in isolation. Yet, each of them may be related, causally or otherwise, to one another. Therefore, facilitating crosstalk among these different disciplines fosters multidisciplinary collaboration and helps devise innovative and effective approaches to target those diseases.

The two-day Web of Life Conference was hosted for the first time by the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences April 25 - 26, 2024. To realize the full potential of team science, experts from disparate yet connected fields will be brought together to facilitate transdisciplinary dialogues under one common theme — “Web of Life: Connecting the Dots.” This collaboration will significantly impact and improve the way we engage communities, treat patients, foster collaboration and facilitate groundbreaking discoveries.

Conference Leadership

The inaugural Web of Life Conference is chaired by Priyabrata Mukherjee, Ph.D. and Resham Bhattacharya, both leaders at OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center. Learn more about the conference organizing committee and conference speakers at the links below.

planning committee speakers

Co-Sponsored by:

Intended Audience

  • Graduate students
  • Postdoctoral Fellows
  • Residents
  • Clinicians
  • Basic Researchers

Expected Outcome

  • Enhancing research environment in the state.
  • Foster multidisciplinary collaboration.
  • Opportunities to establish collaborations with stalwarts in the field.
  • Creating windows to recruit high caliber scientists and clinicians.

Contact Information

Events & Conference Coordinator
OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center
Email: WebofLife@ouhsc.edu