For an application, please visit: To request/send a completed application, contact Rev. Tammy Wooliver.
Call (405) 693-9000
When you're ready to improve your spiritual caregiving skills, especially within a clinical setting, choose from several opportunities within the OU Health Spiritual Care department.
Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) is graduate-level theological and professional education for ministry that takes place in a clinical setting. CPE brings theological students and ministers of all faiths (pastors, priests, rabbis, imams and others) into supervised encounter with persons in crisis. Through deep engagement with individuals in need and feedback from Certified Educators, peers, and clinical team members, students gain new self-awareness and a better understanding of the spiritual needs of those they minister to. From theological reflection on specific human situations, students gain a new understanding of ministry. From the interdisciplinary team process of assisting individuals, students develop skills in both interpersonal and interprofessional relationships.
Chaplains at OU Health provide a safe and confidential relationship to discuss physical, emotional and spiritual concerns. They serve as liaison between patients and their religious communities. When people of all walks of life find themselves in hard, difficult, or traumatic situations, Chaplains are present to help patients and families utilize their spiritual resources as tools of comfort and consolation.
The breadth and scope of medical care at OU Health provides a rich training environment for CPE students. CPE students provide spiritual care to persons with a wide variety of medical conditions that reflect the innovated services provided here. Chaplain students visit patients and their families in OU Health’s Children Hospital and in OU Health’s Adult Medical Center, which is the only comprehensive academic hospital in the state. In addition to the wide range of medical care available, our staff and patients represent a variety of faith traditions, as well as many ethnic and cultural backgrounds. CPE students have the opportunity to expand their knowledge and experience with intercultural and inter-religious diversity through their pastoral work and through formal CPE curriculum elements.
OU Health’s CPE program curriculum is designed to facilitate students’ learning in spiritual formation and integration, awareness of self and others, relational dynamics, spiritual care assessment and intervention and professional development. CPE provides opportunities to embrace the role of minister and learn spiritual care skills related to ministry. In addition to developing skills in self-reflection and self-awareness, students learn to utilize peers, Certified Educators, and other resources for learning. CPE is conducted in a small group format, typically with 4-6 students per program.
OU Health CPE Program is Accredited by The Association for Clinical Pastoral Education: The Standard for Spiritual Care and Education to offer Level 1A, Level 1B, Level IIA, and Level IIB CPE.
Our Residents, once they have completed four units of CPE, will be prepared to move forward in the process of earning certification in any of the national cognate groups. Having developed their pastoral identity in CPE as a clinical spiritual care provider, residents are also eligible to be hired in a variety of clinical settings from hospitals, including OU Health, hospices, prisons, and military to name a few.
One unit of CPE includes:
Extended Unit (Part Time)
For an application, please visit: To request/send a completed application, contact Rev. Tammy Wooliver.
Call (405) 693-9000
See our
Student Opportunity Clinical Pastoral Education brochure for additional information.