Event Details

OHAI - Tai Chi for Better Balance (Ft. Gibson, OK) Northeast

  • Categories: Geriatric Medicine, OHAI, Senior Health Care

About This Event

  • Event Type:Educational Group

Start Date: September 23, 2024
End Date: November 21, 2024

The movements of Tai Chi is an in-person event to help older adults reduce their risk of falling, while also increasing balance and flexibility. Participants learn ways to improve their overall mind, body and spirit through a series of slow, continuous movements. It does not matter how strong, flexible or active you are – Tai Chi is designed for people at all levels of health.


Class Length: 1 hour, twice per week
Course Length: 12 weeks
Days: Mondays and Wednesdays
Facilitators: Ashley Rouse

Signing up for any class will sign you up for the entire series.

Return to OHAI Class List

  • Price: Free
  • Registration Instructions: Online
Event Coordinator
Oklahoma Healthy Aging Initiative Office OHAI@ouhsc.edu Phone: (405) 271-2290

Oklahoma Healthy Aging Initiative is a statewide network focusing on improving the health of older adults from across the state through caregiver training and health promotion education.