Elizabeth Bard, PhD

Pediatric Psychologist
  • Position: Pediatric Psychologist
  • Primary Specialty: Pediatric Psychology
  • Languages Spoken: English
  • Gender: Female

About Elizabeth Bard

Elizabeth Bard, PhD is a licensed psychologist with the Child Study Center at OU Health in Oklahoma City. Dr. Bard earned her PhD in Counseling Psychology from the University of Oklahoma in Norman, Ok. She completed her postdoctoral residency at the Center on Child Abuse and Neglect at OUHSC in Oklahoma City. Her primary clinical and research interests include the assessment and treatment of infants and children who have experienced child maltreatment.

Dr. Bard serves as the co-director of the A Better Chance Clinic, which assess and treats infants and young children with prenatal exposure to substances. Currently, she is directing an infant mental health program, in partnership with OKDMHSA, to provide in-home prevention services to infants and their families, who have been impacted by substances. Dr. Bard is a certified therapist in Attachment Biobehavioral Catch-up (ABC), which is an evidenced based treatment for infants who have experienced an early adversity. Further, Dr. Bard serves on the board of the Oklahoma Association of Infant Mental Health.

Dr. Bard is the director of the School Age Treatment Program for Children with Problematic Sexual Behavior (PSB-CBT-S) and is a part of the National Center on the Sexual Behavior of Youth. Dr. Bard is a Level II Trainer in the Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) model, an evidence-based treatment for young children with disruptive behavior disorders.

Affiliations OU Health Physicians Child Study Center
Health Education
  • Graduate School
  • PhD in Counseling Pyschology University of Oklahoma
    Norman, OK
  • Master of Education in Counseling Pyschology University of Oklahoma
    Norman, OK
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