Oklahoma Healthy Aging Initiative (OHAI)

Oklahoma Healthy Aging Initiative (OHAI)

Lifelong health for all Oklahomans. Staying healthy and living safely in your own home and community for as long as possible. That’s the goal – and you can do it with help from Oklahoma Healthy Aging Initiative (OHAI). This statewide network through the Section of Geriatric Medicine at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center is designed especially for seniors and their loved ones living anywhere in Oklahoma and offers a wide range of healthy aging educational programs and resources close to home.

Healthy Brain, Healthy Mind for the Caregiver

Healthy Brain, Healthy Mind for the Caregiver is designed to assist professional and family caregivers in understanding the many ways they can maintain a healthy brain. Caregivers will also come away with tools to assist them in caring for themselves while caring for others.

This program is offered in person and on virtual platforms.

For more information please email or call us: ohai@ouhsc.edu and 405-271-2290 / 1-855-227-5928

Dementia Friendly @ Work

Are you interested in learning how your organization can become more Age Friendly?

If so, please join OHAI for one of our newest programs: Dementia Friendly @ Work. This 1 hour presentation provides general information about Alzheimer’s and Dementia, tips to improve communication with those individuals with cognitive impairment AND tips on how to improve your physical space to make it more Age Friendly for all who enter your facility.

For more information please email or call us: ohai@ouhsc.edu and 405-271-2290 / 1-855-227-5928

Fall Prevention Awareness

It is important to regularly check your risk for a fall, even if you’re healthy or have talked with your doctor about falls.

Use the Falls Free CheckUp below to determine your or a loved one's risk for a fall and find more classes and information from OHAI on falls prevention.

Falls Free Checkup tool

View Class Listings

About OHAI


To improve the health and quality of life of older Oklahomans and their caregivers through community-based health education and outreach.


OHAI understands that good health is key to successful aging. We focus on improving the health of older adults across the state through caregiver training and health promotion education, including classes on fall prevention, diabetes management, and caregiver support, among others. With five locations across the state, OHAI provides health education to all 77 counties. The Oklahoma Healthy Aging (OHAI) was established in 2012 by a grant from the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation.

Helping Oklahoma’s Seniors Stay Healthy & Active

Take the path to successful aging with health information and educational programs through OHAI that can improve your quality of life by helping you remain healthy, active and engaged. Learn how even small changes – like taking a daily walk, eating more fruits and vegetables, or volunteering in your community – can make a big difference in your well-being.

View Our Classes

Learn more about various classes offered by Oklahoma Healthy Aging Initiative.

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Statewide Regional Centers of Aging

Community Health educators at OHAI’s five regional Centers of Healthy Aging across Oklahoma work with local healthcare clinics and senior service programs throughout their areas to deliver evidence-based health education programs to local community members.

OHAI Programs and Presentations for All

OHAI program topics range from maintaining healthy brain function, making healthy choices for living with chronic conditions or choosing strategies for better diabetes self-management to eye health, Tai Chi for Better Balance, Using Medications Safely, Staying Active and Independent For Life (SAIL), Older Driver Safety and Powerful Tools for Caregivers (PTC), among others. In addition to single, one-hour programs, some classes may meet more than once a week or for several weeks.

For other topics of interest to you and your family and friends, just ask OHAI’s health education specialists – your advocates and partners for healthy aging – to create and deliver presentations at a site in your local community.

Join OHAI Online or In-Person

During COVID-19, safety precautions may mean that you’ll participate in most programs online using the Zoom app or software platform. Contact the OHAI office in your region of Oklahoma to register for programs offered via Zoom. To find out whether your program of choice meets online or in person, check the OHAI class calendar for a full list of classes.

If you need help signing in to Zoom, logging in to any OHAI class or registering for any OHAI program, send email to Devon Murray, Education Director, at ohai@ouhsc.edu.

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