Raye Reeder, MD,MPH
Primary Specialty:
Family Medicine
Languages Spoken:
English, Spanish
About Raye Reeder
Raye Reeder, MD, is a family medicine physician practicing with OU Health Physicians in Tulsa. Dr. Reeder completed her medical school and residency training at the OU-TU School of Community Medicine in Tulsa, OK. To learn more about Dr. Reeder or Family Medicine at OU Health, visit the
primary care for adults page.
OU Health Physicians Wayman Tisdale Clinic
Health Education
- Graduate School
Masters of Public Health
University of Oklahoma College of Public Health
Tulsa, OK
- Medical School
Doctor of Medicine
OU-TU School of Community Medicine
Tulsa, OK
- Residency
Family Medicine
OU-TU School of Community Medicine
Tulsa, OK
- College
Bachelor of Science, Biology
University of Tulsa
Tulsa, OK
Medical Interests
Areas of Interest:
- Family medicine & primary care
- Reproductive equity & justice
- Public health & health promotion
- Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging